Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry Minister Murray Watt has vowed to deliver a sustainably funded biosecurity system for Australia despite the passage of the government's Biosecurity Protection ...
To-date the company has done more than 1,000 greenhouse trials and field trials. Results show the Harpe bioherbicide platform can help overcome more than 30 resistant weeds. Bipartisan support ...
Agricultural genetics is the applied study of the effects of genetic variation and selection used to propagate valuable heritable trait combinations in crop plants and farm animals. The discipline ...
For the first time in two years a uniform set of data reports is suggesting that restrictive monetary policy may be starting to bite, says Dr. Vince Malanga, president of LaSalle Economics.
Lubus Lubus, Kristin and Jaidyn Lubus-Arcari of Cooper City, Florida died November 20, 2007. They are survived by Kristin’s mother, Lynn Ritacco of Cooper City and Kristin’s father, Norman ...