A parasite that not only feeds off its host, but also makes the host change its own metabolism and thus biology: NIOZ ...
The presence of parasitic microbes has for the first time been found literally altering the metabolism of their hosts.
A parasite that not only feeds of its host, but also makes the host change its own metabolism and thus biology. Microbiologists have shown this for the very first time in a specific group of parasitic ...
Archaea are a relatively recently discovered group of microorganisms that occupy their own branch on the tree of life. Though similar in some ways ... | Microbiology ...
Why have bacteria never evolved complex multicellularity? A new hypothesis suggests that it could come down to how ...
Today, bp's Archaea Energy (NYSE: BP) announced the official startup of its largest original Archaea Modular Design (AMD) ...
The new plant is three-times larger than Archaea's plant in Medora, Indiana, which commenced operations in October 2023.
In a busy month for partnerships, new renewable natural gas facilities were announced in Arizona, British Columbia, California, Kansas and South Dakota, with the promise of more on the way.
Escherichia coli (which most of us know better as E coli) has a bit of a bad reputation. Many know it as the harmful bug that ...
Indeed, archaea and bacteria appear very similar biologically (members of both groups consist of tiny cells without much internal structure) and different from eukaryotes. However, until ...
Earth Day is this coming Monday, but one central Kentucky company is celebrating the planet early with an announcement.Rumpke ...