Let’s start with differentiating between master plants and synthetic psychedelics. Fly agaric growing in a forest. Bulgaria, Balkans, Europe. Not all psychedelics are considered to be “master ...
In this fungus, the red cap is a sign of danger for humans - but it's not a universal rule. While fly agaric is deadly, many other red mushrooms, such as the scarlet hood, are fit for consumption.
Organizations and individuals use Equity Compensation Associate (ECA) and Certified Equity Professional (CEP) designations as a measurement of basic (ECA Exam), intermediate (Level II), and advanced ...
A show at the New York Botanical Garden, inspired by Lewis Carroll’s books, will explore his fictional and real worlds through plants, art and artifacts. The New York Botanical Garden exhibition ...
You must earn an ECA to be eligible for the CEP Exams. The Advanced Equity Compensation Accounting Certificate is for financial reporting professionals in any organization that offers equity ...