Stem-cell researcher Carolina Florian didn’t trust what she was seeing. Her elderly laboratory mice were starting to look younger. They were more sprightly and their coats were sleeker.
There's a lot of advice about how to keep skin smooth and muscles strong as we get older, yet there's an aspect to ageing that most of us never consider — our voice. Not only can the quality of ...
They say ageing is all in the mind, and according to a recent study, that might just be true. A new study published by the American Psychological Association has revealed that middle-aged and ...
People with a rare genetic mutation that causes short stature and may also make them live longer are helping shed light on the causes of ageing. Those with the unusual gene variant have several ...
Although it is a natural part of getting older, many of us are focused on how we can prevent the ageing process. This includes using anti-wrinkle creams and dyeing our hair as it starts to grey ...
SINGAPORE - Some $100 million will be pumped into more than 200 active ageing centres from April 2024 to March 2025, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung. This is up from the $60 million provided from ...
Students and teachers at the campus of the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), in Bengaluru (PTI photo) This initiative seeks to enhance the understanding of ageing through both fundamental and ...
In Japan, turning 60 is a big thing. It even has a special name: kanreki. A 60-year-old has experienced the Chinese zodiac cycle five times and that places them back at the original birth zodiac ...
Ageing demographics and rising protectionism will keep inflation high for years to come, fund managers have warned. Money managers are bracing for a world with structurally higher inflation ...
Sure, we are trying our best to stave off the ills of ageing, but there is no guarantee that we will succeed. There is no single blueprint for ageing well. When I read the recently released Lancet ...
Women under 30 are using strong anti-ageing skincare products far too early - and it's making them look much older than they are. As a result, dermatologist Dr Niyati Sharma is warning women ...