Don’t be surprised if [Shas party leader Aryeh] Deri and [Agudat Israel head Minister Yitzhak] Goldknopf bring down the government soon. The Hareidi draft is just an excuse—their Hareidi ...
On the contrary, his parents, who were both religious and educated, were part of Agudat Yisrael and “opposed to Zionism.” But after the War of Independence and the struggle for the state ...
Agudat Yisrael has been threatening to pull out of the coalition and vote down the budget if it does not receive an additional NIS 600 million ($164 million) for full-time religious scholars.
Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion, who in February handily won a second term, signed coalition agreements with every faction in the city council on Tuesday, meaning he will face no opposition in the ...
Agudat Yisrael will receive NIS 250 million in June for its yeshiva students, the Likud Party said Monday. United Torah Judaism’s hassidic faction had threatened to topple the government if its ...
Orthodox Jews from military conscription has represented a major source of contention in Israeli society since 1948 ...
The haredi Agudat Yisrael joined Begin’s government, a move that heralded increased haredi political influence and led to a dramatic increase in the number of exemptions as Begin removed the cap ...
At the same time, Rabbi Yaakov Aryeh Alter, the leader of the large and influential Gur Hasidic sect — who wields significant influence in the Agudat Yisrael party as well as on Shas chairman ...
He frames the contest between non-Zionist Agudat Yisrael and religious-Zionist Mizrahi as the product of wide-ranging social and cultural struggles within Orthodox Judaism and demonstrates that at the ...