If you don’t know Morse code, you probably think of a radio operator using a “key” to send Morse code. These were — and still ...
The removal and replacement of payphones on Vancouver Island north of Campbell River has experts weighing in on potential ...
Yoshida is part of a wave of 4.1 million baby boomers turning 65 this year, according to the Alliance for Lifetime Income, ...
When the state hurricane disaster preparedness exercise was held April 30, local ham radio operators played a role. In the House of Adams, waiting for significant events to begin is tortuous, unless ...
William Wardle loved to travel, and snow skiing was their favorite passion, enjoyed with their many friends they made through Kiwanis Club and community involvement.
The largest Ham radio convention in the world returns to Greene County this weekend. Hamvention runs three days from Friday through Sunday at the Greene County Fairgrounds and Expo Center, in Xenia.
Major solar storms over the past several days have some fearing disruptions in communications and the electrical power grid.
An unusual amount of solar activity this week could disrupt some of the most important technologies society relies on.
If you don’t know Morse code, you probably think of a radio operator using a “key” to send Morse code. These were — and still are — used. They are little more than a switch built to be ...
It's been 7 years since my mom passed away on Mother's Day, and I can honestly say not a day goes by that I don't think of ...
Nitin Ainapure leads amateur ham radio operators in Maharashtra to transmit voting numbers for elections, providing disaster management services, ensuring smooth communication with wireless units ...