[to collect] material for comparative neurological study." He also collected a shrunken head, allegedly from the Jivaro people. The Jivaro are South American Indian people living in Ecuador and Peru, ...
Barbara Youderian continues to serve in the Ecuadorean jungles, at the outstation of Cangaime among the Jivaro headhunters. Olive Fleming plans to return to the United States to serve in the ...
The crew then travel to the western base of the Andes Mountains in search of the "hot-tempered" Jivaro tribe. As a result of the Jivaros' religious beliefs that they must seek revenge for the ...
The Y2K programme gives Antiguan youth sailors more than just a springboard into Antigua Sailing Week; that is just the start ...
Racing action got under way for the 55th edition of Antigua Sailing Week with English Harbour Rum Race Day. The international ...