The new network in St. Louis provides addiction support to workers in an industry where alcohol, drugs and partying are the ...
Participants were divided into three groups: They received daily doses of dummy placebo pills; a "high dose" combo of ...
More than a third of adults fail to get the recommended seven to eight hours of sleep each night — and the scarcity of ...
It is breaking my heart. Her father died from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism at 57, and I’m scared I will lose her, too. She has a twin sister and a brother. Dear Scared: Your ...
It is breaking my heart. Her father died from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism at 57, and I’m scared I will lose her, too. She has a twin sister and a brother. Scared: Your daughter is ...
French researchers suggest combining allergy medicine with blood pressure treatment to reduce severe alcoholism patients' ...
The former Hocking County prosecutor said his behavior while in office — including allegations of sexual harassment and engaging in an affair with a county commissioner — was due in part to ...
This is the fourth part in a series that examines what stigma looks like and how it damages those who receive it.] In July 2021, the Atlantic published an article that came right to the point in its ...
And while the world creates awareness around alcoholism, this dragon of alcohol addiction is a tale that many Kenyan families have a tale to tell.
Loneliness is a significant biopsychosocial stressor with a mortality risk comparable to smoking more than 15 cigarettes a ...
Otis Janam may not be Kenya’s first indigenous language film that’s been scripted and produced by Kenyan filmmakers.
It is breaking my heart. Her father died from cirrhosis of the liver due to alcoholism at 57, and I’m scared I will lose her, too. She has a twin sister and a brother. Your daughter is aware of ...