I grabbed a beef alcapurria ($2.50) anyway, a torpedo-shaped fritter filled with beef and cracked wheat, potentially descended from Lebanese kibbeh. But while the Hub seems like a souk, one block ...
“Of course, we affectionately call them kiosks, but they are full-fledged restaurants where you can still find bacalaíto (cod fritters), alcapurria, pionono, and other meticulously crafted high ...
Or bite into a crispy alcapurria — a fritter made of banana and root vegetables — at El Fogón de Susa as you stroll along the beach. You can find one of the most impressive wine lists in the ...
Many of them are located in the Pozuelo area, where you can find fresh seafood, meats, rice, and the famous anaconda, a 24-inch alcapurria served in El Fogón de Susa. Likewise, the area features ...