An alcohol allergy can cause a rash, swelling, vomiting and anaphylaxis in extreme cases. Flushing, nausea, vomiting, heart ...
Covid can also cause an upset stomach, leaving people with nausea, vomiting and diarrhea, all of which are usually not ...
A woman who tried to take care of her health sincerely regrets asking a doctor about a rash on her eyelid and has decided to choose "denial." Hillary Weiss Presswood, 35, went viral on TikTok when she ...
Smith noted that the only "mild risk" on a plane may be the surface contamination of tray tables, seat belt buckles, or door ...
“Your hair and skin collect pollen and dust during the day that transfer to your bedding at night and perpetuate exposure,” ...
"In the northeast the pollen storm is already beginning," Leonard Bielory, an allergist, immunologist and professor of medicine at Hackensack meridian School of Medicine, told Newsweek.
An allergist is more than just a seasonal resource for environmental allergies. At Premium Allergy And Respiratory Center, Dr ...
Why can’t people see an allergist and get desensitized to a peanut allergy? As a child, I was allergic to dust, pet hair, ...
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Dr. James Tarbox, an allergist at Texas Tech Physicians, spoke about adult-onset allergies. “We see a lot of allergies in kids,” Tarbox said in a news release. “But some percent of the ...