For those battling a slug infestation and looking to add a dash of colour to their garden, TV presenter Alan Titchmarsh ...
Nobody wants slugs munching away in the garden all summer - but fortunately, there are some varieties that the pests hate.
Alan Titchmarsh has revealed the four plants you should have in your garden that will keep slugs at bay this summer. Despite ...
Speaking to Gardeners' World, famed-gardener Alan Titchmarsh (pictured) revealed the four best plants to keep your garden ...
Killing and removing weeks is an essential late spring gardening task - here are seven ways to do it, including using an ...
THE worst of the wet weather might be behind us, but this hasn’t stopped slugs and snails from taking over our gardens. If ...
A gardening enthusiast has shared a list of 31 plants that slugs won't touch, promising a "colourful" outdoor space free from the slimy pests. Slugs are notorious for devouring leaves and leaving ...
One green-fingered garden fan claims you can have a thriving selection of shrubs without having to worry about 'slug damage'.
Unlike other royal family members who chose colorful and luxurious species, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, opted for the humble foliage plant Alchemilla Mollis. She describes this foliage as, "a ...
Lawn maintenance can be boring, so put something colorful in its place. Despite its name, which it gets from its creamy-yellow flowers in late spring and early summer, this is not a true jasmine. It ...