Markkinatalous näyttäytyy julkisessa keskustelussa yhä enemmän eilispäivän ihanteena. Suuntaus valtionvetoiseen ...
Oikeuden tuomari Juan Merchan määräsi aiemmin viikolla Trumpille 9 000 dollarin sakot niin sanotun suukapulamääräyksen ...
ATA Football is one of the first channels dedicated to women’s soccer in the world. Moreover, the channel is one of the youngest channels in terms of soccer content. Launching in September 2020, the ...
Ukrainan maatalousministeri Mykola Solskyi vangittiin korruptiosta epäiltynä, kertoivat ukrainalaissyyttäjät eilen torstaina.
The Gates Cambridge Scholarship brings together people from across the world and across disciplines with a focus on improving ...
The Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is the first radio telescope to be designed from the ground up to be used for SETI searches.Until its construction, all radio SETI efforts were dependent on the ...
The completed Allen Telescope Array (ATA) is intended to consist of approximately 350 6.1 meter offset Gregorian dishes at the Hat Creek Radio Observatory site in northern California. Given the number ...
Sosiaalidemokraattien kanssa oppositiossa istuvat vasemmistopuolue ja ympäristöpuolue ovat samoilla linjoilla, ja ...
Disagreement centred over whether the painting, looted in 1868 and later sold to a private collector in Portugal, should be bought by the government and returned to Ethopia ...
We sell different types of products and services to both investment professionals and individual investors. These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions ...
Dr. Athar Ata is a Chemistry Professor and the Chair of the Department of Chemistry at Michigan Technological University. Dr. Ata's main research interests are the isolation of new pharmaceutical ...
Julkaisemme paikallisten kansanedustajien vappupuheita. SDP:n kansanedustaja Juha Viitala puhui vappupäivänä Rauman ...