As Gaza rift deepens, will Egypt abandon 1979 peace deal with Israel? Egypt was the first Arab country to sign a peace agreement with Israel and has been a key mediator in negotiations to reach a ...
Can destinations offer the solution for plane emissions?In this ReThinking Tourism video, columnist Doug Lansky interviews Rodney Payne, the CEO of Destination Think ...
The protohistoric site of Bat lies near a palm grove in the interior of the Sultanate of Oman. Together with the neighbouring sites, it forms the most complete collection of settlements and ...
Analysts question whether EU grants to Lebanon have anything to do with getting its economy out of the hole it is in. ‘Forget his belts. I’m coming for his heart, he’s getting it tomorrow ...
“Stop the carnage,” South Africa tells ICJ in its third attempt to seek provisions against Israel over its war on Gaza.
Israel accuses South Africa of aligning with Hamas, distorting facts in ICJ case The Israeli legal team accused South Africa of distorting the truth and ignoring facts in an effort to help Hamas.