A pulmonary function test measures how well your lungs work. Spirometry and a lung diffusion test are two examples.
Cows may serve as a potential host for influenza A virus, with implications for zoonotic transmission to humans.
Dr. Barb Petersen, a large-animal vet in Texas, began getting calls from the dairy farms she works with in the Panhandle.
Study investigates the expression of influenza A virus (IAV) receptors in bovine respiratory, cerebral, and mammary tissues, ...
Dr K K Koul World Thalassaemia Day is Celebrated annually on the 8 th of May, with the aim of commemorating Thalassaemia patients who died as a result of the disease and encouraging those who are ...
A video on Instagram claiming that placing chopped onions on feet and covering it with socks can cure Pneumonia.Claim An Instagram video claims that onions can cure pneumonia. The video mentions ...
As the oxygen leaves the alveoli, carbon dioxide—a gas created by our cells—enters and is eventually released. Along the way, tiny hairs, called cilia, clear dirt and debris from the air as it travels ...
While Year 11 and 12 pupils prepare to tackle both GCSE and BTec exams this week, FEMAIL have put together a range of tricky ...
When studying nematic ordering of cells in a monolayer, it is commonly assumed that the principal stress and cell shape axes are tightly coupled. Here, the authors measure cell shape and cell ...