Up to six hours later, when the cells were preparing to divide, CDK 2 was inhibited while a protein complex known as the ...
At that point, a protein complex called the anaphase promoting complex (APC) was activated during the phase just before the cell pulls apart and divides, a step called mitosis. "In the stressed ...
Cleavage of Scc1 at the metaphase–anaphase transition by a specialized protease opens the ring and allows the sister chromatids to segregate. It is likely that the Smc1–Smc3 ring encircles the ...
At that point, a protein complex called the anaphase-promoting complex (APC) was activated during the phase just before the ...
At the MII stage, most cohesin proteins have already disassociated from chromosome arms, and only a small amount of cohesin proteins remain to connect sister chromosomes at centromeres until anaphase ...
img src="https://img.jagranjosh.com/images/2024/April/3042024/image-(86).jpg" width="1200" height="675" /> HBSE Class 11th Biology Syllabus 2025: Board of School ...