Fish are shrinking around the world. Here’s why scientists are worried. Figuring out the reason why has big implications, ...
Until, that is, her mother-in-law enters and a frosty hush settles. Director Sofia Alaoui sets up "Animalia" as an intimate dissection of the foibles and hypocrisies of Morocco's moneyed classes.
On April 23, 2024, a baby Francois' Langur was born at the Memphis Zoo, and while introducing the little one to the public, ...
For those who want to avoid crowds and discover someplace new, Africa boasts several islands with awesome beaches, unique ...
The species that holds the record for the highest flight of any bird is the Rüppell's vulture ( Gyps rueppellii ).
As we welcome in May, and all its flowers, we also say hello to new entertainment being offered on the Seacoast this weekend.
He is the author of Animalia, a column exploring the strange and fascinating world of animals and the ways in which we appreciate, imperil and depend on them. Previously, he covered the ...
Diversity in the living world; Taxonomic categories and taxonomical aids. Biological Classification: Five kingdom ...
Scientists say rotting dead fish from a massive fish kill at Menindee earlier this year may create a domino effect on water ...
The roles and targets of DNA methylation vary among the kingdoms of organisms. As previously noted, among Animalia, mammals tend to have fairly globally distributed CpG methylation patterns.
Animalia is one of only a few pet insurance companies that cover prescription food and dietary supplements (as long as they are prescribed to treat a covered condition). They offer complete ...
Located inside a traditional Nubian-style home, the Animalia Museum offers insights on Elephantine’s human and natural history. Yet the coolest thing about Elephantine is lounging in a ...