Well over a thousand locals gathered recently inside and outside of the Centro Cultural, where the city council met to vote on whether to confirm or reject the The National Plan de Ordenamiento ...
The adage ‘possession is nine-tenths of the law’ is not legally true, but the concept reigns supreme on frontier landscapes in the Pan Amazon. Land grabbers and peasant pioneers share… ...
At the local level, Decree 977 of 2001 approved the Plan of Territorial Management (Plan de Ordenamiento Territorial, POT), which has a section dedicated to the historic centre. Organizations ...
The most lucrative agricultural system in the Amazon is neither soy nor palm oil, but coca leaf, which is cultivated for both legal and illegal markets. There are two species,… ...
Las amplias plazas y avenidas trazadas en otras partes de la ciudad con arreglo al plan urbanístico de Haussmann sirvieron de modelo al ordenamiento urbano de muchas ciudades del mundo, a finales del ...