The Upanishads offer profound insights into the enigmatic realm of the afterlife The Upanishads, ancient philosophical texts ...
The skin is just an outer covering, holding together the skeletal frame - a sort of wrapper indeed! The real gem is the soul ...
Until 2024, our lunar neighbor didn't offer much in the way of reading material.
The Upanishads represent these perspectives within orthodox Vedic tradition, without rejecting the authority and primacy of the veda. The early Upanishads (from mid-first millennium B.C.E.) deal with ...
Kurukshetra University is set to collaborate with Tokyo University, Japan, for advanced research in the field of digital ...
Jagadguru Sri Adi Shankaracharya expounded on Ekamevaadvitiya that set the pace for what many subscribe to as the Advaita ...
According to the scriptures, the entire universe has manifested from the divine and all-encompassing vibration of the sound ...
Yeats met the Swami in 1930 and collaborated with him in translating the Upanishads and other sacred Sanskrit texts. Faber & Faber published these in book form through the good offices of one of its ...
The flowers of this close cousin of the neem are the most fragrant harbingers of good weather in the capital and its branches ...
Donate and send a book today. Modi responded with an equally unique gift, the “Ten Principal Upanishads” by Purohit Swami and William Butler Yeats, the renowned Irish poet whom Biden ...