The capybara is more than just a rodent and far more than a rat; it is the largest rodent in the world – and can be as heavy ...
Watching cute animal videos all day might decrease your anxiety, but there's one animal in particular that seems to have ...
Roxie, the zebra foal, is the first animal born at the zoo's WildCare Park, which will open to the public in 2027.
The sloths, along with a kangaroo, capybaras, and other animals, were kept in crowded, unsanitary conditions, the Humane Society alleged. When another customer reported being bitten by a sloth in ...
But the question is: should you keep a capybara as a pet? Capybaras are smart, social animals native to South America. Adults can weigh up to 174 pounds, need plenty of open aquatic space and ...
Gentle Monster, the trendy and innovative eyewear brand of the moment, and Jennie, the sultry songstress from girl wonder group BLACKPINK, have once again teamed up to debut their latest collaboration ...
According to the Brazilian Center for Road Ecology (CBEE), some 475 million vertebrate animals die on the road every ...
Taiwan was the genesis of the cat cafe phenomenon. It’s a place where meerkats and hogs can be considered household pets, so ...
At a time of unsettling news at home and abroad, these shows offer tips and first-person accounts to alleviate a spiraling ...
The world's largest rodents, capybaras, are all over social media. A TikTok song dedicated to them has been used over half a million times, with hundreds of millions of views. Now, as the capybara ...
Capybaras soak in an open air bath in Akiyoshidai Safari Land in Yamaguchi Prefecture. The zoo keeps the bath in place from January to early March to keep the capybaras warm.