Our Sages instituted the drinking of four cups of wine on the Seder night, so that joy and celebration would accompany all ...
Other events include a talk on alternative meats and a Star Wars vs. Star Trek square dance showdown at Ashkenaz ...
Of course, as one would expect for a graduation ceremony, families are invited, but this being Israel, many of those families ...
This year, the Voice of Roma’s Herdeljezi Festival moves out of the backyard and into Ashkenaz this weekend. It’s the first time the Herdeljezi has taken place at the venue, which already serves as ...
Ten Passovers ago, Chabad.org released Omer Counter, an app that revolutionized the way people fulfilled the mitzvah of counting the 49 days (nights) of ...
It evokes all of the hopes and fears of the Jewish people, and the ways in which we have historically confronted them through ...