Critical thinking, collaboration and communication are being measured to provide a rounded view of a student’s skills, rather ...
Atar is providing a home for fact-based news in a prohibitive information landscape. There are few players in Sudan today, ...
Is there a better way to assess school students in their final years? Melbourne Metrics director Professor Sandra Milligan says Victoria needs to look past ATARs, and consider more than just grades ...
Blunt, system-wide rankings are doing more harm than good and should be overhauled to more accurately reflect individual learning outcomes for students, a parliamentary inquiry has been told.
Education Minister Tony Buti said the draft report suggests that clear pathways are needed to make the system fair for all students.
A quirk of the ATAR system is effectively punishing ambitious students. Compare these questions to see the difficulty levels.
Thanks to its woody, savoury and sharp flavour, za’atar is as essential a seasoning as salt and pepper. We Lebanese sprinkle ...
If your dish is missing a certain something, you may find what you’re looking for in za’atar. Popular across the Middle East, the complex spice blend offers layers of toasty, herbaceous, savory flavor ...
Place in a serving dish, drizzle with the rest of the olive oil and sprinkle with the za’atar. Serve with flat bread. Recipe from Purple Citrus & Sweet Perfume by Silvena Rowe/Ecco, 2011.
Nada Mays is a registered dietitian nutritionist based in Philadelphia. Nada Mays: Za’atar oo Zeit, which is a Palestinian flatbread topped with a za’atar herb mix and Palestinian olive oil.
G arlic bread, chips, roast potatoes… Middle Eastern cooking isn’t only about mezze and pomegranate-bejewelled salads. The ...