When severe weather strikes, we all need a safety plan before it happens. Here are some tips that might help create yours.
Aquí hay algunas estrategias para abordar estas situaciones: Escucha Activa: Comienza por escuchar atentamente a tus clientes. Permíteles expresar sus inquietudes y necesidades sin interrupciones.
Receiving constructive criticism from your boss can be a pivotal moment in your professional development. It's an opportunity to learn and grow, but it can also be challenging to handle ...
As an academic institution, we encourage and depend on the robust exchange of ideas. We also strive to maintain a campus environment that is welcoming, open, civil, and mutually respectful of everyone ...
Editor’s note: Parts of this interview were translated from Spanish by the reporter. Young Miko enters our video call from a light-filled patio in southern California. Birds chirp into her ...