On a bright summer day in a tent on top of the sultry clay courts that give the Tennis Club Venezia its name, writer-director ...
Expressionists felt that art had the capacity to heal, to cross-fertilize, to challenge fixed ideas — it could make the world ...
Lavender Town in Pokemon Red and Blue added a chilling edge to gameplay with ghost Pokemon and a haunting backstory.
"This album isn't one for genre purists, but lovers of pure expression created by people with a deep understanding of ...
The amorphous, atonal music contrasts with his lyrical style on covers. The Duke Ellington and Billy Strayhorn tune ...
Coagulated Bliss' gives a lot of bang for its buck. Full of Hell packs an impressive amount of unique experiences in a ...
Ka Baird entered 2022 feeling adrift. The two years of lockdowns and shutdowns had been difficult for the artist, whose ...
Using reverb as reverb – that is, using it to create acoustic spaces and interesting ambiences – we know that there are all ...
Lee Reynolds’ reduced arrangements of Schoenberg and Mahler were convincing and involving ...
Wassily Kandinsky painted a figure in a blue cloak galloping across a landscape on a white horse. Several years later the ...
The concert at University of Chicago was a case of that label living up to the hype. The musicians all sounded like ...
If you can hang with it, the movie is a good hang, a well-crafted piece of pulp that just so happens to use this seemingly ...