In India, on side routes of the Silk Road that crossed the passes to the Indus Valley and beyond, the older religion of Brahmanism had given way to Hinduism and Buddhism; the former never spread far ...
The Middle Path~II
The tree is known by its fruits. Buddhism put reason in place of authority, it discarded metaphysical speculation to make ...
Many of these deities were gods worshiped in Brahmanism and other Indian traditions before the birth of Buddhism. These were incorporated into the new faith as guardian deities who protect the dharma ...
Criterion (vi): The Ellora Caves not only bear witness to three great religions, i.e. Buddhism, Brahmanism, and Jainism, they illustrate the spirit of tolerance, characteristic of ancient India, which ...
His movement, Buddhism, arose in reaction to the increasing remoteness and abstruseness of Vedic Brahmanism. His followers deified him and, accordingly, mythologized his life; and it would be ...
Alpa Shah’s detailed study records the systematic cruelty inflicted on the 16 activists accused of the Bhima Koregaon ...
How do you win an election? You take up an issue and scare the people so much that they run away from the Opposition.
Mahayanism had a social appeal at a personal level. But unlike Mahayanism, Brahmanism incorporated the pre-Buddhist cults and deities into its fold more effectively, particularly during the time of ...
The Royal Bangkok Symphony Orchestra (RBSO) will perform a royal tribute concert featuring a guest soloist on oboe, in the Main Hall of Thailand Cultural Centre, Ratchadaphisek Road, on May 10 at ...
THE author of this treatise divides mankind into five races, distinguished by the colour of the skin—the white, yellow, black, brown, and red races—which he holds to be more reliable than ...