In some places, young people will be paying up to $8 more for a trip, but in others, fares aren't rising at all. Here's the ...
I just dropped a new song with BeatKing and my good friend Dear Silas called “Busit Down.” So, I’m promoting that really for the rest of the year. That’s the goal. Once I finish with this ...
To celebrate the arrival of the new EVs, Busit staff were inviting the community to join local events with family passes, fun ...
All the new times are available on the ‘Bus alerts’ section of the BUSIT website now. New Waipā electric buses on charge These extra trips mean Waipā’s regional bus services cover some of ...
The Government’s public transport subsidies are coming to an end - but how much fares will rise depends on where you are in the country. The Community Connect fare subsidy meant children aged ...