The absolutely incredible discovery of several fully articulated shark fossils from the Late Cretaceous, 105 to 72 million ...
The creature had the potential to reach up to 30 feet long, making it possibly the largest shark of this type ever to have ...
An international team of archaeologists, paleontologists, evolutionists and geoscientists has analyzed ancient shark fossils ...
A groundbreaking revelation has been made thanks to the finding of multiple complete shark fossils from the Late Cretaceous ...
The injury required surgery since that area of the cartilaginous pad receives minimal blood flow. She assumed her high school ...
The old expression “Типун тебе на язык” ("Tipun tebe na yazyk" or literally "I wish you had a pimple on your tongue!") can be ...
New CT scan study shows ancient jawless fish used mouth structures for filter feeding, challenging traditional ideas of ...
Their taste and texture can be somewhat reminiscent of bacon, though significantly more cartilaginous, offering a crispy bite when prepared correctly. In a pasta dish, pig ears can be thinly sliced ...
The pig’s head is impressive: those wing-like ears that make one question the skeptical saying about “when pigs fly,” that ...
Aldabra Atoll has officially been designated as an Important Shark and Ray Area (ISRA) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission shark specialist group.