Milan is set to ban gelato after midnight, almost a decade after furious locals rejected a similar initiative. And, it’s not ...
The Italian city banning ice cream and pizza after midnight - The ban would apply from 12.30am on weekdays and 1.30am on ...
Eating pizza and ice-cream late at night is an Italian tradition, but city officials in Milan want an end to it due to ...
Local lawmakers in Milan, Italy are attempting to ban the sale of late-night food, including ice cream and pizza. Here's why.
Use precise geolocation data and actively scan device characteristics for identification. This is done to store and access ...
Milan is set to put the freeze on two of Italy's beloved culinary treasures during the late hours, as the city aims to clamp down on noisy groups crowding the streets. The new law will target ...
After a failed attempt back in 2013, Milan is once again trying to get late-night ice cream eaters off its streets - with ...
Other districts include Nolo, Lazzaretto, Melzo, Isola, Sarpi, Cesariano, Arco della Pace, Corso Como-Gae Aulenti, Ticinese and Darsena-Navigli. For some, the crackdown is a step too far.