Millennials and Gen Z parents have resorted to this practice most, using melatonin, Benadryl—even prescriptions—to help their ...
More than half of Americans spend time on their phones within an hour of going to sleep, according to a survey by the ...
Take advantage of the healing benefits of morning sunlight to wake up refreshed. Learn how this simple practice can transform your well-being naturally.
Student scientists and engineers from across the region showcased their projects at the Prince William-Manassas Regional Science and Engineering Fair on March 16 at the Edward L. Kelly Leadership ...
Sunlight exposure is remarkably effective in reducing disease risk and extending lifespan—even though it causes more skin ...
Restoring diurnal rest-activity rhythm in patients who have had surgery for colorectal cancer (CRC) can help to improve their ...
Human life is governed by a circadian rhythm (around 24 hours) that is controlled by a tiny biological clock located in the ...
What’s more, if you push yourself to stay up late every night, you’re confusing your body’s circadian rhythm, Bala said, ...
Just a few days on a night shift schedule throws off protein rhythms related to blood glucose regulation, energy metabolism ...
There's no best time of day to work out, but there is a window when you should avoid working up a sweat. Specifically, don't ...