Cochlear implants have sparked controversy about deaf culture and identity for decades. Some say they treat deafness as a ...
Nate was born with sensorineural hearing loss and relied on hearing aids. But as his hearing deteriorated, the hearing aids ...
Opal Sandy loves slamming her cutlery on the table to make a noise and enjoys playing with toy drums, a piano and wooden ...
An Australian mom shared a video of her son reacting to hearing his parents' voices for the first time after receiving ...
A UK girl born deaf can now hear unaided, after a groundbreaking gene-therapy treatment. Opal Sandy was treated shortly ...
When her daughter was 3 months old, they found out she had profound hearing loss. They want her to decide whether she gets a ...
An 18-month-old girl can hear for the first time thanks to a groundbreaking gene therapy for deafness. Opal underwent a gene ...
If we want to find a stock that could multiply over the long term, what are the underlying trends we should look ...
Many researchers and clinicians advise the parents of a deaf child waiting for a cochlear implant to avoid sign language and ...
Many researchers and clinicians advise the parents of a deaf child waiting for a cochlear implant to avoid sign language and focus exclusively on spoken language. This is due to the widespread ...
If your child is in a clinical trial for what could be a groundbreaking treatment to restore hearing, as a parent, you’re going to notice the changes before a clinical investigator ever does. | If ...