As you might before stepping off a cliff, I hesitated, thinking of what the well-known curandero Don José Campos had told me in the busy Peruvian port of Pucallpa a few days before.
The curandero (or healer) exercises compassion for those who are troubled with trauma, envy, or malice. The healer might prescribe spiritual baths using sunflower petals or lemon balm to comfort ...
“The curandero is in deep relationship with the Earth below and also the spirit world above,” explains Eva Glamaris Cruz Ruiz, BSN, MDiv, MA, PCC, mystic, curandera, soul tender, and weaver of ...
Instead, they first visit a curandero, a traditional female healer who can cleanse you with a combination of “magical” plants. She learns her craft from her mother and the knowledge is passed down ...