Ministirri Muummee Itoophiyaa Dr Abiy Ahimed har'a gara Wallagga Bahaa magaalaa Naqamteetti imaluun dubbii taasisaniin ...
Riyaal Maadirid du'eera afuurri keessa hin jiru yeroo jettu deebi'ee dhadhahatee ka'a. Mo'ameera yeroo jettu ammoo sekondii ...
To play this audio you need to enable JavaScript. So 'zing' is something special that some things have that's hard to describe, but makes them more interesting or exciting. I can also tell you ...
Drink to celebrate the good things in life, drink to forget the bad. Here's an expression for people who like a drink Both work and home are demanding lots of your time but what you really want is ...
Finfinnee, Caamsaa 07/2024 – Janaraal Mohaammad Hamdaan Dagaaloon kan durfamu Humni Saffisaa Sudaan (RSF), humnoonni Adda Bilisummaa Uummata Tigraay (ABUT) Waraana Idilee Sudaan Janaraal Abdulfattaah ...