"Extreme events are becoming more frequent and the period of return is becoming shorter." Region grapples with surging cases ...
But while the aforementioned characters and many others featured relevant factors that kept them from initially getting ...
Their group has experience helping people recover from disasters like derechos, specifically the Midwest Derecho that occurred on Aug.10, 2020. With many across the greater Houston area still ...
A successful bipartisan effort to force a vote on disaster relief is just the latest example of how procedural norms have ...
to plan and prepare for future disasters like those we’ve just experienced. On Tuesday, I will travel to Stonington, the ...
Taiwan and the Philippines yesterday signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) to enhance bilateral exchange and experience-sharing on landslide and debris flow disasters. The MOU, titled ...
Chinese police forcibly remove journalists from scene of explosion in Hebei province, prompting debate about media’s right to report on disasters.
The grant opportunity was announced as part of the Strengthening Telecommunications Against Natural Disasters program. Up to $7.7 million is available for this grant opportunity. The objectives of the ...
“The idea of the policy hackathon is something that emerged from our early findings about the utility of pilot projects during disasters,” said Dr. Katherine Idziorek, an urban planning ...
Kerry Miller labeled his Rookie of the Year campaign to be one of MLB’s “biggest disasters” in a column for Bleacher Report. “Holliday went just 2-for-34 with 18 strikeouts before getting ...
From hurricanes to avalanches, the world is constantly threatened by various calamities. Man-made disasters are equally rampant these days, given the mass destruction of the planet that is being ...
Throughout my lifetime (and probably yours, too), I have personally experienced and heard about others experiencing all kinds of natural disasters and worldwide events. For example, since I am old ...