The strategy gradually erected walls near large border communities like Sasabe, Nogales, and Douglas, where migrants who ...
La Desconocida examines the industry of human trafficking by following the investigation into the identity of a woman found in a container in the docks in Barcelona who has memory of who she is or ...
The previously announced titles span alongside political thriller Un Fantasma en la Batalla, produced by Society of Snow filmmaker J.A. Bayona, and investigative drama La Desconocida, written by ...
TOCANDO NUESTRA CANCIÓN narra la divertida relación entre Vernon Gersch, un compositor de éxito y un fracaso en lo sentimental, y Sonia Walsk, una letrista desconocida enganchada a una relación tóxica ...
La Secretaría de Cultura federal y el Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura (Inbal), a través del Museo Nacional de Arte (Munal), invitan a conocer el nuevo montaje de La mujer del pozo y ...