Hypertension, while common, can lead to heart disease and stroke if unmanaged, leading medics to often refer to it as a ...
Aerobic training is known to regulate blood pressure more effectively when practiced in the evening than in the morning.
Eating a vegan, vegetarian or lacto-ovo vegetarian diet significantly reduces the overall risk of developing cancer, heart ...
According to the study, researchers believe alcohol consumption, smoking and other lifestyle activities can increase diastolic pressure. If you want to lower that number, experts suggest making minor ...
Researchers say MRI scans can more accurately detect heart disease in women, leading to earlier diagnosis and more effective ...
The study findings suggest that self-management strategies for hypertension may effectively reduce blood pressure levels over ...
Researchers investigated the influence of sex on cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) assessment of left ventricular filling ...
Diastolic heart failure is defined clinically when signs and symptoms of heart failure are present in the presence of preserved left ventricular systolic function (ejection fraction >45%).
Blood pressure (BP) self-monitoring, together with self-titration of antihypertensive medications, is associated with a ...
A study conducted at the University of São Paulo with 23 volunteers found that only evening training regulated baroreflex sensitivity, a mechanism that compensates for abrupt changes in blood pressure ...