One can think of this apparatus as having both functional and anatomical (structural) components. The first component is functional and consists of the lacrimal pump. During blinking, the ...
According to the Cleveland Clinic, watery eyes, also known by the medical term epiphora, are a typical bodily response to viral infections such as the common cold or flu. While it may seem like a ...
This condition, medically known as epiphora, can arise from various causes, ranging from environmental factors to more serious health issues. The discomfort caused by this condition can be a hindrance ...
The AAOS postulated on their website that the eye findings such as epiphora could have instead represented “fluid overload” in critically ill patients. “Fluid overload” is a common ...
Culture and cytology of the secretions can confirm infection. This is why epiphora, or watery eyes with excessive tearing, resulting from a blocked nasolacrimal duct shows milky secretions from ...
Epiphora is a very common symptom and will become more common in an aging population. Many causes of epiphora are unrelated to anatomical problems in the nasolacrimal drainage apparatus.