The program, called the EcoCar EV Challenge, was founded more than three decades ago by the US Department of Energy and is run by the DOE's Argonne National Laboratory. Over the last 35 years ...
But she said she’s open to the idea, which is why she chose to join more than 50 older drivers at a Mobility Matters forum hosted by McMaster University’s student EcoCAR team on April 14 that ...
AVL, the global mobility technology company for development, simulation, and testing, has established a new entity to serve ...
McMaster competing in North American EV challenge McMaster engineers are also competing against 14 other universities in a North America-wide EcoCAR EV Challenge run by the U.S. Department of Energy.
Furthermore, AVL is helping strengthen the pipeline of Canadian talent by investing in North America's premier automotive engineering university competition programs EcoCAR EV Challenge and The ...
This edition of PowerBites spotlights electric-vehicle newsmakers such as a bias-supply module that can help extend driving range and a new EcoCAR competition. Also highlighted... PowerBites "held ...
Members of the University of Alabama’s EcoCAR team showed off their latest innovation and made a donation to the community at ...
STARKVILLE — Mississippi State University students are transforming a Cadillac LYRIQ as members of MSU’s EcoCAR Electric Vehicle Challenge team. The EcoCAR team spent more than a year ...
MISSISSAUGA, ON, April 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- AVL, the global mobility technology company for development, simulation, and testing, has established a new entity to serve Canada's emerging ...
Someday, an NEO will pose a threat to us. Thankfully, we have options.