Theater and dance are popular extracurricular activities found in almost every community. Many schools and community theaters ...
“First and foremost, ask is your child happy in a public school,” said Bossert. Are there some of the extracurricular things ...
She is an award-winning filmmaker and an internationally recognized writer. Abby is actively involved in various ...
"I love teaching in Enfield where the district offers so many extracurricular activities to students of all learning levels," ...
Trustee John McAllister recently floated the idea the board should review all the extracurricular activities throughout the ...
Marco Island Yacht Club bidded a fond farewell to its longtime receptionist, Elaine Chisenall, at a retirement dinner celebrating her 25 years.
The Western Springs Education Association and Western Springs School District 101 recently agreed to a new five-year teachers ...
To be considered for a National Merit Scholarship, semifinalists then had to complete a detailed scholarship application, ...
Indonesian parent Lita Damayanti, who is considering ACS Bali as an option for her son, who is currently studying in ACS ...
Out of an abundance of caution, Russell County USD 407 is going to begin bus routes at 2:45 PM Monday to get an early start ...
FFA members, symbolizing the end of their agricultural pursuits, hung up their jackets with pride, signifying the culmination of years of hard work and dedication to their craft, while Senior Danika ...