OK, to use audio emoji, call someone on your Android, or pick up a phone call, and then hit the new audio emoji button that ...
Have you ever felt like all that was missing from your phone calls was a fart button? You're in luck.
Next in line for an emoji-based reaction update? Google Phone. Only this time, we're getting them in audio form.
Here's a sneak peek at a new Android feature called "Audio Emoji," which will be used during phone calls the same way you do ...
24. Um, anyway... 🙄🤚 ("Talk to the hand" anyone??) ...
Google's Phone app is set to enhance your call experience with a playful update-Audio Emoji. This novel feature is now being ...
Google calls them Audio Emoji, and they work exactly how you might have figured out. It's hard to figure out ways to make a ...
Audio Emojis are coming to Google Dialer app and will allow users to play six different kinds of sound during calls. These ...
"I was on the phone and saw a new button come up... "Audio Emoji"??? I had to call my brother to test it out!" said one X ...
Snapchat recently announced a bunch of new features that it has added to the platform. Most features, such as editable messages and emoji reactions, are centered on making the messaging experience ...
Snapchat is adding new messaging features, including editable chats and emoji reactions, plus several AI-driven enhancements ...
For users who have opted in to share their location with friends, Snapchat is also adding a new way to spark conversations ...