The archetypical online medical database portal is Entrez, established and maintained by the National Center for Biotechnology Information or NCBI (Figure 3). Entrez is a good example of a useful ...
Each article is indexed in the database with MeSH terms (using the MeSH hierarchical structure) and gene information from the National Center for Bioinformatics (NCBI) Entrez Gene database.
Community annotation efforts are not just limited to existing databases. 7,500 entries from Entrez Gene have been deposited into the Gene Wiki, a portal in Wikipedia allowing community editing.
There are many releases to choose from, including the horror film Abigail, the heartfelt tale Irena's Vow, and the Earth Day re-release Wings Over Water. Hit movie Crazy Rich Asians to become ...
Furthermore, our leather artisans, goldsmiths and the École Hermès des savoir-faire apprentice training centre shared their passion for gesture and the finest materials at the Entrez en matières ...