In theory, this would allow the ship to effectively travel faster-than-light without actually exceeding the speed limit ...
The largest planetary construction site ever seen, spanning hundreds of billions of miles in size, may very well be cast in ...
If an Interstellar prequel was announced would you want to watch it? Fans have been discussing a potential concept but many ...
Estimates suggest there are trillions of free-floating worlds in our galaxy alone. Most of them will be frozen planets like ...
In the far future we may have advanced propulsion technologies like matter-antimatter engines and compact fusion drives that ...
The Dark Energy Camera has imaged a ghostly hand claw reaching out to grab a distant galaxy. There's nothing supernatural ...
Discovery of rule-breaking compound hypothesised to exist for decades 'pushes the boundaries of our understandings of ...
Had the spacecraft been located on Earth, engineers would be able to go in and replace a chip, but because it is in interstellar space, engineers needed to figure out a way to move the affected ...
Researchers develop "CosmoAgent," a groundbreaking AI framework to simulate human-alien interactions and interstellar ...
Before my trysts with the Lotus Eletre range began, my review was supposed to be solely of the Eletre R. However, the car ...
Hans Zimmer is often praised for his unique score in Christopher Nolan's Interstellar. The German born American music ...