A distant planetary nursery is breaking all records as it shows the extremes to which planet formation can go.
A new trademark filing with the Canadian Intellectual Property Office could be pointing to a Journey to the Savage Planet ...
If an Interstellar prequel was announced would you want to watch it? Fans have been discussing a potential concept but many ...
Commenting on their design most recently, architects at Clouds AO said: ‘Analemma Tower is a proposal for the world’s tallest ...
Exodus is a sci-fi action-adventure RPG, a  narrative-driven experience that marries cinematic storytelling and broad player agency with modern AAA gameplay.
They discover a "message in a bottle" containing the journal of an astronaut scientist named Ulysse Mérou who crash-lands on ...
Scientists have taken a significant step towards turning the sci-fi concept of "warp drives" into a feasible reality.
Estimates suggest there are trillions of free-floating worlds in our galaxy alone. Most of them will be frozen planets like ...
New exterior colors are available too - Cityscape Green, Mineral Blue, Interstellar Grey and Volcanic Sand. Unique to the ...
N ASA is, as always, looking into the next generation of thrusters to enable ever-more-ambitious space missions. One idea ...
Ayaneo's new Remake collection offers nostalgic retro gaming devices with modern hardware, like the Pocket DMG and Pocket ...
In the far future we may have advanced propulsion technologies like matter-antimatter engines and compact fusion drives that ...