But they still must be used with caution. As we enter our drier weather, we always have problems with spider mites. These tiny arachnids are hard to see until they have done damage. They make ...
However, they aren’t the only critters who can cause trouble for your pet. In this article we’ll guide you on dog mites, signs of mites, how to keep your dog protected, and mite treatment. Mites cause ...
Ear mites (Otodectes cynotis) are common in dogs and cats. Ear mites are parasites, which means they live on and feed off a host. An infestation in the ear is known medically as otoacariasis.
It could be an ear mite infestation. The ear mite in the cat (and the dog) is usually Otodectes cynotis that live within the ear canal, and often stimulate a dark brown waxy discharge. A secondary ...
Dr. Orr: "We’re here to set the record straight! Eyelash extensions do NOT cause lash mites; lash mites are actually caused by poor hygiene." Eyelash mites, also known as Demodex, are tiny ...
Dust mites and bed bugs are very different pests, but no one wants either inside their mattress. These prolific pests can be very hard to eradicate if they get a grip on your bedding, which is why ...
Experts recommend that you change your sheets at least once a week. Dust mites have an ideal temperature of 59-70º F (15-21º C) so if you want to kill any dust mites that are settled on your bed ...
Brits are being warned of six 'tell-tale' signs they have dust mites in their beds. About a quarter of a millimetre long, the tiny insects live close to humans and feed on the dead skin cells we shed.