An Australian team of recreational cavers and park rangers excavated a nearly complete short-faced kangaroo skeleton in ...
On a recent cloudless spring day on the outskirts of Gilroy, Christian Martorella accelerated an 18-wheeler past budding ...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency this past Thursday released a sweeping set of rules aimed at cutting air, water and ...
The U.S. Department of Energy has finalized a rule banning fossil fuels from new and renovated federal buildings. The Clean ...
The federal government is betting big that creating hydrogen power with renewables is feasible and will help solve the ...
Oil Change International is a research, communications, and advocacy organization focused on exposing the true costs of fossil fuels and facilitating the ongoing transition to clean energy.
Large fossil footprints unearthed in China have led to the discovery of a "megaraptor" dinosaur, a relative of the ...
ExxonMobil made headlines again this year for its climate suppression, doubling down on lawsuits against two investors for introducing climate shareholder proposals for pollution cuts. While the ...
The Climate Damages Tax report, published on Monday, calculates that an additional tax on fossil fuel majors based in the ...
Around the world, grass-roots organizers and Indigenous communities are taking proposed coal, oil and gas projects to court — ...
A new report claims that more than two million employees from 12 tech-sector companies, including Apple, could have earned an ...
Tax of £3.99 per ton of carbon pollution in wealthy countries could help fund green transition and compensate victims ...