DIY gadget YouTuber Bitluni has built his own RISC-V megacluster, with a compact design, and a single-core CPU clock of an insane 14.7GHz.
Maker and Youtuber Bitluni has showcased his 256-core supercluster using the infamous 10-cent CH32V003 RISC-V ...
To address the RPi5's speed issues, you'll have to open up a few bottlenecks before its potential can be fully unlocked.
One gadget builder extraordinaire has designed and built his own supercomputer, and showed the world how he did it.
Here's possible code using StarterWare rather long defines: - configure the GPIO as an input, eg. GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 2, GPIO_DIR_INPUT); GPIODirModeSet(SOC_GPIO_0_REGS, 3, GPIO_DIR_INPUT) ...
Don't be fooled by their appearance there's a world of difference between the tiny Arduino and Raspberry Pi boards!
The 1.8V GPIO library provides general purpose bidirectional I/O cells. These programmable, multi-voltage I/O’s give the system designer the flexibility to design to a wide range of performance ...
This paper provides a complete solution to the GPIO Verification for any SoC. GPIO interface is available in every ASIC. To avoid duplicate efforts and (save) time to verify the GPIO interface, we ...