It's not only due to smoking, as this survivor's story might help demonstrate—says one expert doctor: "All you need to be at ...
Dr. Nader Francis, Consultant Pediatric Pulmonologist at the hospital, explained that the child’s condition is one of the ...
Dr. Nader Francis, Consultant Pediatric Pulmonologist at the hospital, explained that the child’s condition is one of the ...
Lung cancer is the second most common form of cancer, after prostate cancer in men and breast cancer in women. At the same time, however, it also holds the ...
Several risk factors can predispose you to bronchiectasis, including smoking and recurrent lung infections. You may need several tests to diagnose bronchiectasis, including imaging studies and ...
On July 1 she again had hemoptysis, and it became apparent that both episodes had occurred at the time of the onset of the menstrual flow. She was admitted to the hospital for study. Physical ...
Her primary symptoms were hemoptysis and dysphagia, indicative of hilar and mediastinal lymph node metastases, with further involvement of the bronchus and esophagus. Additionally, the patient also ...
Coughing up blood, medically known as hemoptysis, involves coughing or spitting up blood or blood-streaked mucus from your respiratory tract (i.e. lungs and airways). Coughed-up blood may appear pink, ...
107.695312Circulation. 2007;115:e632–e634 A 37-year-old man with Eisenmenger syndrome caused by a large ventricular septum defect was admitted to the hospital with small-volume hemoptysis, cough, and ...