As scrutiny intensifies following the assassination attempt on Robert Fico and renewed Turkish coup fears, questions arise ...
Los medios occidentales atribuyen su autoría a un ingenuo escritor de 71 años y señalan como causa a la "polarización ...
The attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is suspiciously reminiscent of the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald and the former ...
The Velztorm Black Gladio Custom Built Gaming PC is currently on sale with a substantial discount of $1098.01, which is ...
Carmen Parejo Rendón Estos días celebramos el 79.º aniversario del Día de la Victoria, recordando la derrota del nazifascismo en el continente europeo tras el triunfo de los aliados en la Segunda Guer ...
Operation Gladio was a clandestine program run by the US and NATO during the Cold War, involving secret stay-behind armies in Europe to counter potential Soviet invasion. While initially ...
Por otra parte, los eventos deportivos y multitudinarios que se celebrarán este verano en suelo europeo, como los Juegos ...
Fico is also one of the few successful left-wing politicians at a time of defeats and degeneration of the left across Europe. Of course, all this has made him a black sheep” of the Western press, ...
Por no hablar del ataque a la mujer de Núñez Feijóo. Dice un pasaje bíblico que el que a hierro mata a hierro muere: qui in gladio occiderit, gladio peribit. Pues eso.