As climate change brings more intense heat waves, scientists are trying to understand how certain medications interact with ...
During sleep, the brain weakens the new connections between neurons that had been forged while awake—but only during the ...
Bromodomain-containing protein 7 (BRD7) was initially identified as a tumor suppressor, but further research has shown it has ...
A team of researchers revealed the significance of a particular protein complex in some types of immunological dysregulation.
A mitochondrial transcription inhibitor (IMT) shifted metabolism in high-fat diet mice toward fatty acid oxidation, leading ...
Dysregulated R-loops can cause stalled replication forks and telomere instability. However, how R-loops are recognized and ...
Dr. Lida Fatemi, known as “The Conscious Physician,” is not your typical doctor. As a certified internal medicine specialist ...
A drug used for high blood pressure, known as rilmenidine, may also be effective in slowing the aging process.
My workout playlists are the product of so many pet theories and half-forgotten experiments they sometimes catch me unawares.
On this episode of Bloom Health Club, we welcome Dr. Lida Fatemi, a dedicated physician and author of the groundbreaking book ...
During sleep, the brain weakens the new connections between neurons that had been forged while awake -- but only during the first half of a night's sleep, according to a new study.