Who doesn't appreciate a good funny joke? Take this one, for example: Did you hear about the robbery at the glue factory? It was a stickup. For the encore, we'd love to tell you a construction ...
A job that pays nothing and has no days off? That's motherhood, but these mom jokes will help you laugh about it. Motherhood is like a fairy tale in reverse. You start out in a beautiful ball gown ...
Omar Chaparro, reconocido actor y comediante mexicano, ha dejado boquiabiertos a sus seguidores con un drástico cambio físico ...
Trading traditional humor for groan-inducing literal punch lines, these anti-jokes challenge the idea of what a joke can be—and we bet they'll still make you laugh. Make no mistake, though ...
Laughter is arguably the best medicine. When life feels gloomy, a dose of humor is the easiest way to brighten up your day. In fact, studies show that laughter actually has real-life health ...
The absence of recommendations to intentional-use humor to reduce stress is particularly surprising, given that “humor is the most natural and cost-free method of reducing stress, anxiety and ...
Tras estar al bordo de la muerte y una larga recuperación, Daniel Bisogno regresó a Ventaneando como conductor tras ser dado ...
11 de junio de 2021, 1:51 p. m. Quito, 11 jun (EFE).- El humor, esa válvula de escape que aligera hasta las más densas situaciones, es el eje transversal de la obra ecuatoriana "Las Marujas, entre ...
Labores como lavar los platos, limpiar la casa o cocinar siguen siendo tareas impuestas exclusivamente a mujeres, revela un ...
I write about the psychology of leadership, tech and entrepreneurship. Furthermore, humor is often the best antidote to tragic or depressing life experiences, not to mention stress and anxiety.
Military Jokes and Humor stories have always amused and entertained. We know that there are hundreds and hundreds of military jokes out there. We thought we would try to share as many with you as ...