The public at large, whenever an important election impended, could easily recognize the merits of the case. Men knew what a Whig meant, and what a Democrat desired. But all this is changed.
We were quickly able to prevent the fire from moving to any further structure before it impended upon the church,” said Chicopee Deputy Fire Chief Peter Jerusik. No one was inside the house at ...
With darkness wrapping up the field, indicating his arrival, The Undertaker’s existence impended big. After supplying a chokeslam to The Rock throughout the centerpiece clash in between Reigns ...
The division of China impended. The masses of the people, at first vaguely restless, were soon deeply moved by fears and passions akin to panic, unrestrained yes, even assisted, by high officials ...
The church services that he always insisted on holding on Inauguration Day, anniversaries, and whenever a great crisis impended, were the expression of his religious faith. I think this must not ...
She made a friend of him, revealed her sex, and married him. Her husband had a falling-out with a comrade, and a duel impended. Torn with love and dread, she managed to pick a quarrel with his ...
Ask for Inspector Guthrie.” After the departure of the detectives, the composure that had impressed Nye faltered; a familiar despair impended. She fought it, delayed its full impact until the ...
These barriers have impended human rights and fundamental freedoms including their right to education, health, decent work and right to information from myths and taboos around this biological ...
The next day the teenager returned to find the car wrapped in cling film, trapping lots of her school books she needed to use to revise for her impended A Level exams. It was the third incident in ...
We are now compelled to live through an entirely new stage in our revolution.” But the July days impended—an important landmark on the road of revolution, as well as on the road of the ...
with defender Luke Croll prodding home from a corner despite goalkeeper George Sykes-Kenworthy appearing to be impended. The result ends a four match unbeaten run for the Minstermen, who slip to ...