In her pioneering "SalviSoul Cookbook," Karla Tatiana Vasquez documents the overlooked recipes of Salvadoreñas.
The Salvadoran food palate is definitely one that loves salty, funky, tart, acid, fire-grilled foods. There's a huge ...
And there is a recipe for flor de izote con huevos by Vasquez’s mother, Teresa, which she often cooks for her husband, Carlos, whose support and clever gestures during a robbery decades ago made ...
De la morgue capitalina retiraron hoy el cadáver del veterano de guerra Roberto Aguilar (67), quien murió en el Hospital ...
The Joshua tree is also called izote de desierto, which means “desert dagger” in Spanish. The Joshua tree was so inspirational to the band U2 that they named one of their most famous albums after it.
and her pioneering restaurant Izote, as well as Silvana Salcido Esparza’s taqueria like Barrio Café in Phoenix, Arizona. Chunky corn soup with chilies has plenty of complexity and creaminess.
La Inteligencia Artificial afirma que "la variedad y la calidad de la comida en Latinoamérica son impresionantes"; no ...
El menú constó de 5 tiempos: empezó con tamales pulagkles (ingredientes que provienen de la milpa, el relleno tiene jitomate, chile serrano, frijol negro, semilla de calabaza, ajonjolí y cilantro); ...